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Prohibited Items

Last update: 11/18/2018

Mercado Equipos is an exclusive publication site for Articles related to Vehicles intended for commercial use related to the transport, loading, unloading and movement of cargo, its spare parts, parts and pieces, new and used. It is expressly forbidden to publish any article, product or service that does not relate to the aforementioned.

Expressed above, below is the list of items, products and services whose offer, request, publication, purchase or sale are prohibited by Mercado Equipos by internal policies and / or to ensure compliance with any current law, as the case may be .

Sellers are exclusively responsible for the legality and legitimacy of the items they offer . Mercado Equipos does not assume any responsibility for the existence on the site of products or services that violate the policies or any law or judicial resolution in force.

Mercado Equipos may finalize publications that do not comply with the policies mentioned here . Therefore, we recommend you review this list before publishing an article.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions of the Site at the time of registration the user accepts the policies contained herein.

Stolen property

We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • Any type of stolen property:
    • Products of private individuals.
    • Products owned by companies and governments.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Financial products and services

We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • Financial products or services such as:
    • Loans or financial credits.
    • Legal money.
    • Current checks or checkbooks.
    • Stocks, bonds, securities or any other publicly traded paper.
    • Bank accounts and bank deposit services.
    • Credit or debit cards whether or not they are in force and services to obtain them.
    • Terminals for card payments, readers and card code duplicators.
    • Credit for online gambling or electronic payment sites.
    • Coins and bills that replicate those in circulation.
    • Petro cryptocurrencies.
    • Services, programs or mechanisms aimed at eliminating the credit history of a natural or legal person.
    • ATMs, either whole, in parts or their spare parts.
n-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal; "> We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Publications that violate intellectual property rights

We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • Products that violate copyright laws, patents, trademarks and industrial models and designs.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Legal and personal documents

We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • Personal documents. For example:
    • Passports
    • Identity cards
    • Driver's licenses
  • Identifications or professional credentials. For example:
    • Titles or diplomas.
    • Police badges
  • Business documentation For example:
    • Tax credentials
    • Licenses for the sale of alcohol.
  • Prescriptions and / or medical prescriptions.
  • Credentials or discount passes on transports that are granted to a person in non-transferable form.
  • Student document realization services. For example:
    • Thesis.
    • Monographs
    • Practical jobs.
  • Uniforms that are used today in any armed force.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Publications for purposes other than the sale of a product or service

We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • Publications that lack seriousness or are intended for mockery.
  • Publications that have a political purpose.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.


We do not allow to publish and / or request

  • No type of insurance policy or contract.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Vehicles without documentation and products for vehicles that violate existing laws

We do not allow publishing

  • Vehicles that do not comply with the documentation established by current laws.
  • Inhibited vehicles
  • Products or services for vehicles that violate existing laws.
  • Products and / or services that allow modifying the mileage of a vehicle.
  • Artifacts, devices and / or substances that allow to obstruct, hide or block the patent.
  • Patents that are in force, for any type of vehicles.
  • Vehicle documentation.

What can you post

The products mentioned here are just examples.

  • Vehicles with all the corresponding documentation.
  • Vehicles with debts.

We will unsubscribe those publications that do not respect our Publication Policies or any current law. This can lead to the disabling of the account.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Publica tus equipos desde cualquier país, todos son bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad. Dicho lo anterior, es importante destacar que principalemente queremos facilitar el intercambio de equipos a nivel sudamericano, por lo que nuestros esfuerzos están destinados en esta región.

Tus publicaciones podrán ser vistas por miles de interesados en todo el mundo pero principalmente nos enfocamos en mostrarlas a usuarios de Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Perú, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá ya que son mercados cercanos con alta probabilidad de compra.

Queremos que vendas tus Equipos de forma rápida y al mejor precio posible, por eso nos esforzamos en mostrarlos en los lugares donde consideramos que existen mayores probabilidades de lograr una venta, tomando en cuenta el origen del Equipo.

Te entregamos estadísticas diarias sobre el desempeño de cada publicación. Podrás ver cuántos usuarios visitan cada una de tus publicaciones y cuántos días llevan publicadas. Además, si eres vendedor frecuente, podrás acceder a estadísticas avanzadas (requiere que tengas una cuenta de Google Analytics).

Si, además de publicar anuncios de Equipos y Maquinaria Industrial, puedes publicitar servicios relacionados tales como seguros, arriendos de maquinaria, servicios logísticos y más. Para mayor información , haz click aquí.

Si, te entregamos la herramienta de gestión más completa del mercado. Mantén tu inventario actualizado, revisa estadísticas diarias sobre el desempeño de tus publicaciones, contáctate directamente con los interesados en tus equipos, negocia precios, recibe solicitudes de llamadas y mucho más...

¡Excelente pregunta! Primero es importante mencionar que Mercado Equipos busca facilitar el contacto directo entre vendedores y compradores, por lo que no interferimos más allá de facilitar herramientas para este fin. Dentro de estas herramientas tenemos:

  • Botón de contacto por Whatsapp: los interesados te podrán contactar directamente por este medio desde la página de tu publicación.
  • Botón de llamado Telefónico:Podrás ser también contactado directamente por este medio de llamados telefónicos.
  • Formulario de Contacto:Los interesados pueden llenar un formulario de contacto. Cuando esto sucede, te avisamos por medio de Email y SMS para que puedas entregar una respuesta rápida.
  • Formulario de Negociación:Si el usuario está en la etapa final de compra, tiene la opción de hacerte una oferta por tu equipo y comenzar un proceso de negociación (sólo en caso de que el vendedor habilite la posibilidad de negociar precio al momento de crear la publicación).